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  今天是:2024年05月19日  星期日  早上好

题目: Development & application of singular-mode functional renormalization group

报告人:王强华 教授  南京大学物理系




In this talk I first introduce the basic idea of functional renormalization group (FRG) for correlated electron systems, and outline a specific implementation of FRG based on singular-mode decompositions, the SM-FRG, in comparison to the so-called patch-FRG. I then present and discuss the applications of SM-FRG, in particular, the emergence of intrinsic topological states of matter in correlated systems.


南京大学物理系杰出青年科学家(2003)、长江学者特聘教授(2006);目前研究领域:1. Strongly correlated electron systems2. Mechanism and properties of unconventional superconductors3. Topological  insulators and topological superconductors4. Quantum information and quantum computing。已发表Nature Physics Nature Communications 3篇,Phys. Rev. Lett. 6 篇,以及Phys. Rev. B 和其它物理杂志十几篇等。

地址:安徽省合肥市蜀山区科学岛固体物理所 邮编:230031 电话:0551-65591461