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  今天是:2024年10月23日  星期三  中午好
Kitaev模型的自旋液体相及相关材料的研究 2019-05-16
寻找高性能half-Heusler热电材料 2019-05-09
强磁场及高压下黑磷半金属的研究 2019-04-26
低维体系中自旋极化流和自旋流的第一性原理研究 2019-04-11
利用太赫兹时域光谱对二维材料光电特性的研究 2019-03-29
层状材料1T-TaSe2电子性质研究 2018-12-13
Robust Zero-Energy Bound State Induced by Orbital Kondo Effect in Multi-Band Superconductors 2018-11-22
适用于级联模拟的机器学习经验势 2018-11-08
The discovery of high energy density materials in a compounds under pressure 2018-11-02
Global phase diagram of Coulomb-interacting anisotropic Weyl semimetals with disorder 2018-10-18
½<111> screw dislocations in W 2018-10-11
Spin-orbit Coupling : Summarizing and Relearning(张国仁,2018.9.28) 2018-09-28
Concurrent Cascade-annealing Model for Primary Radiation Damage(李永钢,2018.9.21) 2018-09-20
固体材料热力学和电化学性质的第一性原理模拟(黄良锋,2018.9.17) 2018-09-17
Degeneracies, non-Analyticity, and Topological Character of Electronic Spectra of Crystals(Prof. Warren Pickett,2018.8.27) 2018-08-25
Data-driven spectral analysis for nanomaterial information embed in the ...(达博,2018.7.17) 2018-07-17
Some recent results of 3D topological materials(张潮,2018.7.13) 2018-07-12
磁性拓扑半金属:当狄拉克费米子邂逅磁性(刘大勇,2018.7.13) 2018-07-12
位错对晶体钨力学性质影响的第一性原理计算(范巍,2018.6.29) 2018-06-28
Raman spectroscopy and multipole interactions determining molecular polarizability at finite temperature from first principles(潘鼎, 2018.6.22) 2018-06-20
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