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  今天是:2024年10月05日  星期六  晚上好
  1. J. Zhang(张俊), X. H. Zheng, C. S. Liu, and Z. Zeng*, Probing the Chemical Bonding and Electron Structure of the Benzoate model for Fe-MoF-5, MRS Proceedings 1548, mrss13-1548-n01-07(2013) [PDF]

  2. X. H. Zheng(郑小宏), J. Lan, H. Hao, and Z. Zeng, Application of GPU Acceleration in First Principles Transport Calculations, E-Science Technology & Application 4, 90-96(2013). [PDF]

  3. Y. M. Quan(全亚民), D. Y. Liu, and L. J. Zou, Numerical Algorithm for High-dimensional Optimization with Nonlinear Boundary and Equality Constrains, E-Science Technology & Application 4(5), 10-17(2013). [PDF]

  4. J. Zhang(张洁), and Z. Zeng*, Electronic and optical properties of perfect MgO and MgO with F center under high pressure, International Journal of Modern Physics C 24, 1350052 (2013). [PDF]

  5. T. Jia (贾婷), H. Wu*, X. L. Zhang, T. Liu, Z. Zeng* and H. Q. Lin, Pressure-induced spin-state and insulator-metal transitions in Sr3Fe2O5 from first principles, Europhys. Lett. 102, 67004 (2013). [PDF]

  6. T. F. Cao(曹腾飞), L. F. Huang, X. H. Zheng, W. H. Zhou and Z. Zeng*, Adsorption configurations and scanning voltage determined STM images of small hydrogen clusters on bilayer-graphene, J. Chem. Phys 139, 194708 (2013). [PDF]

  7. T. F. Cao(曹腾飞), L. F. Huang, X. H. Zheng, P. L. Gong and Z. Zeng*, Understanding the stability and dynamical process of hydrogen trimers on graphene, J. Appl. Phys 113, 173707 (2013). [PDF]

  8. D. Y. Liu(刘大勇), Y. Guo, X. L. Zhang, J. L. Wang, Z. Zeng, H. Q. Lin, and L. J. Zou*, Interlayer magnetic-frustration–driven quantum spin disorder in the honeycomb compound In3Cu2VO9, Europhys. Lett. 103, 47010 (2013). [PDF]

  9. X. L. Wang(王贤龙), X. H. Zheng, and Z. Zeng*, Ferromagnetic sandwich-like wires constructed with transition metals and anthracene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 032404 (2013). [PDF]

  10. W. Fan*(范巍), L. J. Zou and Z. Zeng, Ferromagnetism on surface of YBa2Cu3O7 particle, Physica C 492, 80 (2013). [PDF]

  11. C. X. Zhao(赵承祥), W. Xu, *and F. M. Peeters Cerenkov emission of terahertz acoustic-phonons from graphene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 222101 (2013). [PDF]

  12. W. H. Zhou(周望怀), Y. G. Li, L. F. Huang, Z. Zeng*, and X. Ju, Dynamical Behaviors of Self-interstitial Atoms in Tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials 437, 438–444(2013) . [PDF]

  13. S. H. Zhang(张书辉), W. Xu, S. M. Badalyan*, and F. M. Peeters, Piezoelectric surface acoustical phonon limited mobility of electrons in graphene on a GaAs substrate, Phys. Rev. B 87, 075443 (2013). [PDF]

  14. L. F. Huang (黄良锋), G. R. Zhang, X. H. Zheng, P. L. Gong, T. F. Cao, and Z. Zeng*, Understanding and tuning the quantum-confinement effect and edge magnetism in zigzag graphene nanoribbon, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 25, 055304(2013). [PDF]

  15. L. F. Huang (黄良锋), and Z. Zeng*, Lattice dynamics and disorder-induced contraction in functionalized graphene, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 113, 083524 (2013). [PDF]

  16. D. Y. Liu(刘大勇), Y. M. Quan, X. J. Zheng, X. L. Yu, L. J. Zou*, Band-filling and correlation controlling electronic properties and magnetism in KxFe2-ySe2: A slave boson study, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 25, 125601(2013), IOPselect, Research Highlights-LabTalk. [PDF]

  17. Y. L. Li, et al. Formation of Nanofoam carbon and re-emergence of Superconductivity in compressed CaC6, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 3 : 3331 | DOI: 10. 1038/srep03331 [PDF]

  18. Y. L. Li, et al. Pressure-induced superconductivity in CaC2, PNAS 110, 9289 (2013) [PDF] (Link)

  19. Qiao-wei Huang, et al. Structural and vibrational properties of phenanthrene under pressure. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139 (10), 104302. (2013)(Link) 

  20. Yan-Ling Li*, et al. Formation of Nanofoam carbon and re-emergence of Superconductivity in compressed CaC6. Scientific Reports, 3 (1), 3331. (2013) (Link)

  21. Qing Peng*,  et al. Chemically Tuning Mechanics of Graphene by BN. Advanced Engineering Materials, 15 (8), 718-27. (2013) (Link)

  22. Qing Peng*, et al. Mechanical stabilities and properties of graphene-like aluminum nitride predicted from first-principles calculations. RSC Advances, 3 (19), 7083. (2013)(Link)

  23. Weiwei Zhang, et al. Unexpected Stable Stoichiometries of Sodium Chlorides. Science, 342 (6165), 1502-5. (2013)(Link) 

  24. Xiao-Miao Zhao, et al. Phase transformations and vibrational properties of coronene under pressure. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139 (14), 144308. (2013) (Link)

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