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8) Sun DY, Gong XG, Molecular-dynamics study on the equilibrium structure and the, stability of a cluster dimer, PHYS REV B 54 (23): 17051-17056 DEC 15 (1996) [ PDF ] 

7) D. Y. Sun and X. G. Gong, " Can the cluster liquid exist?", Progress in, liquid Physics, ed. : K. Q. Lu and X. W. Zou, p. 29-33

6) D. Y. Sun and X. G. Gong, "Molecular Dynamics on the liquid Silicon", Progress in liquid Physics, ed. : K. Q. Lu and X. W. Zou, p. 33-38.

5) Sun Q, Gong XG, Zheng QQ, et al., Local magnetic properties and electronic structures of 3d and, 4d impurities in Cu clusters, PHYS REV B 54 (15): 10896-10904 OCT 15 (1996) [ PDF]

4) Sun Q, Gong XG, Zheng QQ, et al., The magnetic properties of Fe3 TMB clusters, PHYSICA B 222 (1-3): 247-251 MAY (1996) [ PDF ] 

3) Zou LJ, Gong XG, Zheng QQ, et al., Giant magnetoresistance induced by spin-correlation scattering, in magnetic thin films and other compounds, J APPL PHYS 79 (8): 5162-5164 Part 2A APR 15 (1996) [ PDF ] 

2) Sun Q, Gong XG, Zheng QQ, et al., The structures and magnetic properties of small FenB clusters, J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 8 (11): 1805-1810 MAR 11 (1996) [ PDF ] 

1) Sun Q, Gong XG, Zheng QQ, et al., The magnetic properties of 4d impurities in Agnclusters, SOLID STATE COMMUN 97 (5): 429-433 FEB (1996) [ PDF ] 


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