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17) Y. J. Yu , B. Wang, Y. D. Wei, Ac response of a carbon chain under a finite frequency bias, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 169901(2007). [PDF]

16) C. S. Li, Y. J. Yu, Y. D. Wei, and J. Wang Statistical analysis for current fluctuations in a disordered quantum pump Phys. Rev. B 76, 235305 (2007). [PDF]

15) X. F. Wei, W. Xu and Z. Zeng Two-colour mid-infrared absorption in an InAs/GaSb-based type II and broken-gap quantum well J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 19, 506209(2007). [PDF]

14) X. Q. Shi, Z. X. Dai, and Z. Zeng Electron transport in self-assembled monolayers of thiolakane: Symmetric I-V curves and Fano resonance Phys. Rev. B 76, 235412 (2007). [PDF]

13) W. Yang, M. H. Kong, M. V. Milosevic, Z. Zeng, and F. M. Peeters Two-dimensional binary clusters in a hard-wall trap: structural and spectral properties Phys. Rev. E 76, 041404 (2007). [PDF]

12) Y. B. Qiao, Y. L. Li, Z. Zhi, and X. Y. Qing Anisotropic properties of TaS2 Chinese Physics 16, 3809(2007). [PDF]

11) X. Q. Shi, Z. X. Dai, G. H. Zhong, X. H. Zheng, and Z. Zeng Spin-polarized transport in carbon nanowires inside semiconducting carbon nanotubes J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 10130 (2007) [PDF]

10) Y. B. Qiao, G. H. Zhong, D. Li, J. L. Wang, X. Y. Qin and Z. Zeng Strongly correlated effect in TiS2 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 1050 (2007). [PDF]

9) Z. X. Dai, X. Q. Shi, X. H. Zheng, X. L. Wang, and Z. Zeng Ab initio investigations of the transport properties of a Ge7 cluster PhysRevB 75, 155402 (2007) , selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science Technology 15, 15(2007). [PDF]

8) X. F. Wei, W. Xu and Z. Zeng Sub-terahertz photoconduction induced by interlayer transition in an InAs/GaSb-based type II and broken-gap quantum well system J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 19, 026216 (2007). [PDF]

7) X. L. Wang, Z. Zeng, X. H. Zheng, and H. Q. Lin First-principles investigations of Co- and Fe- doped SnO2 J. Appl. Phys. 101, 09H104 (2007). [PDF]

6) G. H. Zhong, J. L. Wang, Z. Zeng, X. H. Zheng, and H. Q. Lin Induced effects by the substitution of Mg in MgCNi3 J. Appl. Phys. 101, 09G520 (2007) [PDF]

5) C. S. Li, Y. J. Yu, Y. D. Wei, and J. Wang Non-adiabatic quantum spin pump: Interplay between spatial interference and photon-assisted tunnelling in two-dimensional Rashba systems PhysRevB 75, 035312 (2007). [PDF]

4) G. R. Zhang and Z. Zeng The electronic structure of a Bi/Sb superlattice nanowire Phys. Stat. Sol. (c)4, 448(2007). [PDF]

3) C. H. Yang, C. Zhang, W. Xu, and Z. Zeng Light scattering in an electron-hole double quantum well in the presence of spin-orbit interaction Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4, 445(2007). [PDF]

2) X. F. Wei, W. Xu , Z. Zeng, and C. Zhang Photocurrent Induced by Intersubband Transition in a Type II and Broken-Gap Quantum Well System Phys. Stat. Sol. (c)4, 544(2007). [PDF]

1) D. M. Chen, and L. J. Zou Orbital insulators and orbital order-disorder induced metal-insulator transition in transition-metal oxides International Journal of Modern Physics B, 21, 691 (2007). [PDF]


8) G. F. Zhao, L. L. Zhi, and L. J. Guo The structural and electronic properties of Ag-adsorbed (SiO 2 ) n ( n =1-7) clusters THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 127, 234705 (2007). [PDF]

7) G. F. Zhao, J. M. Sun, and Z. Zeng Absorption spectra and electronic structures of AumAgn (m + n = 8) clusters Chemical Physics 342, 267(2007) . [PDF]

6) C. Zhang, F. Gao, and C. H. Yang Photon absorption and collective excitations in spintronic superlattices J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 18, S87 (2007). [PDF]

5) F. Y. Zhang, Z. Zeng, G. H. Zhong, J. Q. You The effect of electronic orbital interactions on p-type doping tendency in ZnO series: First-principles calculations Chinese Physics, 16(12), 3815(2007). [PDF]

4) Y. Xu, and Z. Zeng Electronic structure study of NaCo2O4 by LAPW method Physica B 391 (2), 389(2007). [PDF]

3) Y. H. Zhou, Y. Xu and X. H. Zheng First principles study on the effects of the H2O molecules on the transport properties of a carbon wire ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 56, 1093(2007). [PDF]

2) Y. Xu, and Z. Zeng Ground state property of LiV2O4 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 184(2007). [PDF]

1) Y. Xu, X. Q. Shi, Z. Zeng, Z. Y. Zeng and B. W. Li Conductance oscillation and quantization in monatomic Al wires J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 19 (2007). [PDF]

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