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16) Shu DJ, Liu F, Gong XG Simple generic method for predicting the effect of strain on surface diffusion PHYS REV B 64 (24): art. no. 245410 DEC 15 (2001) [ PDF ]

15) Chan SP, Chen G, Gong XG, et al. Chemisorption of hydrogen molecules on carbon nanotubes under high pressure PHYS REV LETT 87 (20): art. no. 205502 NOV 12 (2001) [ PDF ]

14) Chen G, Liu ZF, Gong XG Structures and its evolution of Ban (n=2 similar to 14) clusters EUR PHYS J D 16 (1-3): 33-36 SEP (2001) [ PDF ]

13) Ma DM, Zou LJ Magnetic long-range order and colossal magnetoresistance effect in double exchange ladders CHINESE PHYS LETT 18 (9): 1264-1267 SEP (2001) [ PDF ]

12) Wu H, Zheng QQTop Response to "Comment on 'Energy band structures of the low-dimensional antiferromagnets Sr2CuO3 and Sr2CuO2Cl2' " [J. Appl. Phys. 90, 3708 ((2001))] J APPL PHYS 90 (9): 4882-4883 NOV 1 (2001) [ PDF ]

11) Wu H Electronic structure study of double perovskites A2FeReO6 (A= Ba, Sr, Ca) and Sr2MMoO6 (M =Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) by LSDA and LSDA+U PHYS REV B 64 (12): art. no. 125126 SEP 15 (2001) [ PDF ]

10) Wu H Spin state and phase competition in TbBaCo2O5. 5 and the lanthanide series LBaCo2O5+delta (0 <=delta <= 1) PHYS REV B 64 (9): art. no. 092413 SEP 1 (2001) [ PDF ]

9) Wang JL, Zeng Z, Zheng QQ The electronic and magnetic behavior of low-dimensional double-exchange materials J MAGN MAGN MATER 226: 1048-1050 Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI MAY (2001) [ PDF ]

8) Zou LJ, Lin HQ, Campbell DK Effect of spin modulation on electronic phase separation in the double exchange model with Coulomb repulsion PHYS REV B 63 (21): art. no. 214402 JUN 1 (2001) [ PDF ]

7) Shu DJ, Gong XG Curvature effect on surface diffusion: The nanotube J CHEM PHYS 114 (24): 10922-10926 JUN 22 (2001) [ PDF ]

6) Duan HM, Gong XG, Zheng QQ, et al. Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Ni clusters J APPL PHYS 89 (11): 7308-7310 Part 2 JUN 1 (2001) [ PDF ]

5) Sun DY, Gong XG, Wang XQ Soft and hard shells in metallic nanocrystals PHYS REV B 63 (19): art. no. 193412 MAY 15 (2001) [ PDF ]

4) Zou LJ Phase-separation temperature in double-exchange manganitesTop PHYS REV B 63 (15): art. no. 155103 APR 15 (2001) [ PDF ]

3) Duan HM, Zheng QQ Symmetry and magnetic properties of transition metal clusters PHYS LETT A 280 (5-6): 333-339 MAR 5 (2001) [ PDF ]

2) Duan XM, Sun DY, Gong XG Hypermolecular dynamics simulations of monovacancy diffusion COMP MATER SCI 20 (2): 151-156 FEB (2001) [ PDF ]

1) Gong XG, Kumar V Metallic coverings of calcium on C60 CHEM PHYS LETT 334 (4-6): 238-244 FEB 9 (2001) [ PDF ]

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