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  今天是:2025年02月18日  星期二  下午好

35)Yuan-Ao Peng, Han-Yu Wang, Fu-Hai Su, Pu Wang, Hai-An Xu, Lin Liu, Lun-Xuan Yu, Ross T. Howie, Wan Xu, Eugene Gregoryanz, and Xiao-Di Liu, Matter and Radiation at Extremes 10 (1) (2025)(Link

34) Heng Zhang , Wen Xu*, Yiming Xiao, Francois M. Peeters , and Milorad V. Miloševic**, Electronic band structure of high-symmetry homobilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 110, 115410 (2024) (13 pages)Link

33) Xingjia Cheng, Wen Xu*, Jing Zhang, Heng Zhang, Haowen Li, Francois M. Peeters, Key electronic parameters of 2H-stacking bilayer MoS2 on sapphire substrate determined by terahertz magneto-optical measurement in Faraday geometry, Frontiers of Physics 19, 63204 (2024) (9 pages) Link

32) Zhexian Zhao, Weizuo Zhang, Jin Zhang,* Yuzhao Li, Han Bai, Fangming Zhao, Zhongcai Jin, Ju Tang, Yiming Xiao,* Wen Xu,* and Yanfei Lü*, Formation Mechanisms and Fluorescence Properties of Carbon Dots in Coal Burning Dust from Coal-Fired Power Plants, Advanced Photonics Research 2400010 (2024) (8 pages)

31) Kaichun Liu, Huan Xiao, Wen Xu * , Yanzhe Cheng, Xingjia Cheng, Jing Zhang , Yiming Xiao**, Lan Ding, Haowen Li, Effect of high-temperature annealing on terahertz optoelectronic properties of nitrogen-doped polycrystalline diamond, Diamond & Related Materials 149, 111543 (2024) (9 pages)

30) 侯磊,关舒阳,尹俊,张语军,肖宜明,徐文*,丁岚*,谐振腔-单层二硫化钼系统中的高阶腔耦合等离极化激元,物 理 学 报 73, 227102 (2024) (9 pages)

29) Shun Zhou, Chao Zhang, Wen Xu*, Jie Zhang, Yiming Xiao, Lan Ding**, Hua Wen, Xingjia Cheng, Chuansheng Hu, Haowen Li, Xiaoguang Li**, François M. Peeters, Observation of temperature induced phase transitions in TiO superconducting thin film via infrared measurement, Infrared Physics & Technology 137, 105160 (2024) (9 pages)

28) Y. Li, Y. M. Xiao*, W. Xu**, L. Ding, M. V. Miloševic and F. M. Peeters, Magneto-optical conductivity of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides in the presence of proximity-induced exchange interaction and external electrical field, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, 165441 (2024) (14 pages).

27) Q. N. Li, P. Vasilopoulos, F. M. Peeters, W. Xu*, Y. M. Xiao** and M. V. Miloševic, Collective excitations in three-dimensional Dirac systems, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, 115123 (2024) (9 pages)

26) J. Liu, W. Xu*, Y. M. Xiao**, L. Ding, H. W. Li, B. Van Duppen, M. V. Miloševic, and F. M. Peeters, Longitudinal and transverse mobilities of n-type monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides in the presence of proximity-induced interactions at low temperature, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, 195418 (2024) (14 pages)

25) Huan Xiao, Hua Wen, Wen Xu*, Yanzhe Cheng, Jing Zhang, Xingjia Cheng, Yiming Xiao**, Lan Ding, Haowen Li, Bin He, Francois M. Peeters, Terahertz magneto-optical properties of Nitrogen-doped diamond, Infrared Physics & Technology 138, 105237 (2024) (9 pages).

24) Fan Cheng, Xun Liu, Qirong Zheng, Chuanguo Zhang, Bo Da* and Yonggang Li*, Machine Learning of electronic stopping cross-sections, Nuclear Engineering and Technologyaccepted (2024) .Link

23) Shao Li, Chuanguo Zhang*, Xianlong Wang, Zhi Zeng*, A machine learning methodology for investigating the liquid-liquid transition of hydrogen under high-pressure, International Journal of Modern Physics C Vol. 35, No. 12 (2024) 2450152 (11 pages).   Link

22) Wenming Xia, Guo Chen, Yuanqin Zhu, Zhufeng Hou, Taku Tsuchiya, and Xianlong Wang*, Machine Learning Model for the Prediction of Hubbard U Parameters and Its Application to Fe–O Systems, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20, 10095-10102 (2024).  (Link

21) Wang X, Xie J, Xu S, Zhang K, Wang Z, Wang T, et al. Nonequilibrium dynamics of charge and lattice in pressurized SnSe. Physical Review B 110(19) (2024) (Link)

20) Yuanqin Zhu, Leiming Fang, Zhi Zeng, and Xianlong Wang*, Ultrahigh hydrogen diffusivities in Al2O3 under high pressure, Physical Review B 110, 144310 (2024). Link

19) Mengqi Wang , Yu Wang* , Zhixian Liu , Ganyu Xu , Bo Yang , Pei Yu  , Haoyu Sun , Xiangyu Ye , Jingwei Zhou , Alexander F. Goncharov , Ya Wang* and Jiangfeng Du*. Imaging magnetic transition of magnetite to megabar pressures using quantum sensors in diamond anvil cell. Nature Communications 15, 8843 (2024)(Link

18) Jinwei Yan; Philip Dalladay-Simpson*; Lewis J. Conway; Federico Gorelli; Chris Pickard; Xiao-Di Liu* and  Eugene Gregoryanz*, Remarkable stability of - and its prevalence in the nitrogen phase diagram, Scientific Reports 14,  16394 (2024) (Link

17) Yuxuan Xu, Guo Chen, Fei Du, Ming Li, Liangfei Wu, Deyuan Yao, Xiaodong Liu, Junfeng Ding, Zhi Zeng, Ruibin Liu, Haiqing Lin, Xianlong Wang*, Free- standing cubic gauche nitrogen stable at 760 K under ambient pressure, Science Advances 10, eadq5299 (2024). (Link

16) Liuming Wei, Zhe Zhao, Yonggang Li*, Qirong Zheng,Chuanguo Zhang, Jingyu Li, Gaofeng Zhao, Bo Da, Zhi Zeng*, Absorption bias: A descriptor for radiation tolerance of polycrystalline BCC metals, Journal of Nuclear Materials 600, 155295(2024). (Link

15) Jun Liu, Yonggang Li*, Yang Gao, Chuanguo Zhang, and Zhi Zeng*, Temperature effects on annealing crucial deep-level defects in neutron-irradiated silicon: Multiscale modeling, International Journal of Modern Physics C 35, 2450185 (2024). (Link

14)Di Peng,Qiaoshi Zeng*, Fujun Lan, Zhenfang Xing, Zhidan Zeng, Xiaoxing Ke, Yang Ding, Ho-kwang Mao*. Origin of the near-room temperature resistance transition in lutetium with H2/N2 gas mixture under high pressure. National Science Review, 11(7) nwad337 (2024). (Link

13) Xiaoru Chen, Yuanyuan Zhang, Liuming Wei, Qirong Zheng, Chuanguo Zhang, and Yonggang Li*, Cluster dynamics modeling of hydrogen retention and desorption in tungsten with saturation and multi-trapping effect of sinks, Nuclear Fusion 64, 096037 (2024). (Link)

12) Mahwish Yousaf, Muhammad Saadat Shakoor Khan, Shamsher Ullah, An Extended-Isomap for high-dimensional data accuracy and efficiency: a comprehensive survey, Multimed Tools Appl (2024). (Link)

11) Hao Xu, Hang Li, Nicolas Gauquelin, Xuejiao Chen, Wen-Feng Wu, Yuchen Zhao, Liang Si, Di Tian, Lei Li, Yulin Gan, Shaojin Qi, Minghang Li, Fengxia Hu, Jirong Sun, Daen Jannis, Pu Yu, Gang Chen, Zhicheng Zhong, Milan Radovic, Johan Verbeeck, Yunzhong Chen,* and Baogen Shen, Giant Tunability of Rashba Splitting at Cation-Exchanged Polar Oxide Interfaces by Selective Orbital Hybridization, Advanced Materials 2024, 2313297. (Link)

10) Jingxuan Zhao, Zhe Xue, Qing Wang, Xiangyang Li*, Shoujie Liu, Xu Zhao*, Retaining the self-released chalcogenate at reconstructed cobalt sites by self-transformed carbonate regulation for boosted oxygen evolution, Journal of Energy Chemistry 97, 46(2024). (Link)

9) Mingming Wang, Yahan Meng, Muhammad Sajid, Zehui Xie, Peiyan Tong, Zhentao Ma, Kai Zhang, Dongyang Shen, Ruihao Luo, Li Song, Lihui Wu, Xusheng Zheng*, Xiangyang Li*, Wei Chen*, Bidentate Coordination Structure Facilitates High-Voltage and High-Utilization Aqueous Zn-I2 Batteries, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, e202404784. (Link)

8) Neda Samani, Guoren Zhang, and Eva Pavarini, Map of Crystal-Field Effects in Correlated Layered   tn2g Perovskites, Physical Review Letters 132, 236505 (2024). (Link)

7Jin Yang, Jiafeng Xie, Shaolong Jiang*, Kai Zhang, Qi Li, Yunfeng Wang, Tianwu Wang*, and Fuhai Su*, Extraordinary Polarization and Thickness Dependences of Photocarrier Dynamics in PdSe2 Ribbons, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4276−4285(2024). (Link)

6) H.I. Imtiaz, M.S.S. Khan, A. Hussain, S.F. Mao*, Y.B. Zou and Z.J. Ding*, Electron Backscattering Coefficients for Cr, Co and Pd Solids: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study, Journal Of Applied Physics 135, 225104 (2024). (Link)

5) Jing Zhao, Wenming Xia, Zhi Zeng, Xianlong Wang*, Central role of d-band energy level in Cu-based intermetallic alloys, npj  Computational Materials 10, 71 (2024).  (Link)

4) Jin-Yu Ni, Xia-Ming Zheng,  Peng-Tao Wei, Da-Yong Liu*, Liang-Jian Zou*, Chirality-selective topological magnon phase transition induced by interplay of anisotropic exchange interactions in honeycomb ferromagnet, Journal Of Physics-condensed Matter 36 255801(2024). (Link)

3) Qingqing Feng, Xiangyang Li*, and Xingxing Li*, A Route to Two-Dimensional Room-Temperature Organometallic Multiferroics: The Marriage of d–p Spin Coupling and Structural Inversion Symmetry Breaking, Nano Letters 24, 3462−3469 (2024). (Link)

2) Jiahui Li, Chuanguo Zhang*, Yu Wang,  Zhi Zeng*, The formation mechanism of twin type shear bands in β-HMX: molecular rotation and translation,  Journal of Molecular Modeling 30,30 (2024).  (Link)

1) Yu Wang, Chuanguo Zhang*, Jiahui Li, Liuming Wei, Zhi Zeng*, FEDIS: A set of algorithms for defect identification. International Journal of Modern Physics C 35, 2450012 (2024). (Link)

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