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  今天是:2025年02月18日  星期二  下午好

27) Jie Zhang, Chuan Guo Zhang, Xianlong Wang, Zhi Zeng, and Hai Qing Lin, Effects of nonlocal interactions in describing V centers of MgO, Europhysics Letters 140, 36001 (2022). (Link)

26) Zhong-Yi Wang , Da-Yong Liu*, Liang-Jian Zou**, RKKY interaction of magnetic impurities in nodal-line semimetals, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 553, 169164 (2022). (Link)

25) Jing-Jing Lyu, Shi-Qing Jia, Liang-Jian Zou *, Tunneling spectra of superconductor- Kitaev layer -metal junctions, Physica B 625, 413483 (2022). (Link)

24) Qingqing Chen, Xiaohong Zheng*, Peng Jiang*, Yan-Hong Zhou, Lei Zhang*, and Zhi Zeng, Electric field induced tunable half-metallicity in an A-type antiferromagnetic bilayer LaBr2PHYSICAL REVIEW B 106, 245423 (2022). (Link)

23) Xiao-Cheng Bai, Wen-Feng Wu, Han-Yu Wang, Ya-Min Quan, Xianlong Wang, Zhi Zeng* and Liang-Jian Zou*, New J. Phys. 24 123016 (2022).(Link)

22) Jianchao Lin, Peng Tong*, Kai Zhang, Kun Tao, Wenjian Lu*, Xianlong Wang*, Xuekai Zhang, Wenhai Song, and Yuping Sun. Colossal and reversible barocaloric effect in liquid- solid-transition materials n-alkanes, Nature Communications 13, 596 (2022). (Link)

21) Peng Cheng, Yunfeng Wang, Tingting Ye, Lingqiao Chu, Jin Yang, Hong Zeng, Deyuan Yao, Xiaomei Pan, Jie Zhang, Huachao Jiang, Fuhai Su, and Junfeng Ding. Semiconductor-metal transition in lead iodide under pressure, Applied Physics Letters 120, 212104 (2022) (Link)

20) Junfeng Ding, Peng Cheng, Tingting Ye, Wan Xu, Hong Zeng, Deyuan Yao, Xiaomei Pan, and Jie Zhang. Pressure-induced two-dimensional to three-dimensional structural phase transition in 2H-type layered lead iodide PbI2, Applied Physics Letters 120, 052106 (2022)(Link

19) Peng-Tao Wei, Jin-Yu Ni, Xia-Ming Zheng, Da-Yong Liu*, and Liang-Jian Zou*, Topological magnons in one-dimensional ferromagnetic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with anisotropic interaction, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34,495801  (2022) (Link)

18) Guangbao Lu, Jun Liu, Qirong zheng, Yonggang Li*, Influence of doubly-hydrogenated oxygen vacancy on the TID effect of MOS devices, Front. Mater., accpted (2022) (Link)

17) Liuming Wei, Chuanguo Zhang*, Qirong Zheng, Zhi Zeng* and Yonggang Li*, Individual cascade annealing in BCC tungsten: effects of size and spatial distributions of defects, RSC Adv. 12, 23176 (2022) (Link)

16) Caoping Niu, Hanxing Zhang, Jie Zhang, Zhi Zeng, and Xianlong Wang*, Ultralow Melting Temperature of High-Pressure Face-Centered Cubic Superionic Ice, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 7448 (2022)  (Link)

15) Wenfeng Wu, Xianlong Wang* and Zhi Zeng*, The magnetic properties of pressurized CsV3Sb5 calculated by using a hybrid functional, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2022)  (Link)

14) Tiantian Jia, Jesús Carrete, Georg K. H. Madsen, Yongsheng Zhang, and Su-Huai Wei, Chemical trends in the high thermoelectric performance of the pyrite-type dichalcogenides ZnS2, CdS2, and CdSe2, Phys. Rev. B 105, 245203 (2022) (Link)

13) Shi-Qing Jia,  Liang-Jian Zou*,Ya-Min Quan, Xiang-Long Yu and H.-Q. Lin*,  Electron tunneling spectroscopy of an anisotropic Kitaev quantum spin liquid sandwiched between superconductors , Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023251 (2022).   (Link)

12) 倪煜, 孙健, 全亚民, 罗东奇, 宋筠*, 双轨道Hubbard模型的动力学平均场理论研究, 物理学报  71, 147103 (2022) ( Link)

11) Caoping Niu, Jie Zhang*, Hanxing Zhang, Jing Zhao, Wenming Xia, Zhi Zeng, and Xianlong Wang*, Configuration stability and 

electronic properties of diamane with boron and nitrogen dopants, Physical Review B 105, 174106 (2022) (Link

10) Kai Zhang, Jiafeng Xie, Jin Yang, Huachao Jiang, Shile Zhang, Zhi Zeng, Xiaojia Chen, Tianwu Wang, and Fuhai Su. Nonequilibrium electron and lattice dynamics of Sb2Te3 under pressure. Physical Review B 105, 195109 (2022)(Link

9) Shi-Qing Jia, Ya-Min Quan, Liang-Jian Zou,* and Hai-Qing Lin*, Topological Quantum Phase Transitions of Anisotropic AFM Kitaev Model Driven by Magnetic Field, Ann. Phys. (2022) accepted  (DOI: 10.1002/andp.202200012)

8) Xiao-Cheng Bai, Ya-Min Quan, H.-Q. Lin and Liang-Jian Zou*, Band crossover and magnetic phase diagram of the high-Tc superconducting compound Ba2CuO4-δ, Phys. Rev. B 105, 184506 (2022) (Link

7)Yu Wang, Maxim Bykov , llya Chepkasov, Artem Samtsevich , Elena Bykova, Xiao Zhang ,Shu-qing Jiang,etc.,Stabilization of hexazine rings in potassium polynitride at high pressure. Nature Chemistry (2022) (Link)

6) Shuping Guo, Shashwat Anand, Madison K. Brod, Yongsheng  Zhang* and G. Jeffrey Snyder*, Conduction band engineering of half-Heusler thermoelectrics using orbital chemistry, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10, 3051 (2022)  (Link)

5) Jing Zhao, Hanxing Zhang, Caoping Niu, Xianlong Wang*,Investigations of Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of MnSe under High Pressure , Materials 15, 1109 (2022)  (Link)

4) Zhuoyang Ti, Shuping Guo, Xuemei Zhang, Jingyu Li, Yongsheng Zhang*, Thermoelectric property enhancement by merging bands in NbFeSb-based half-Heusler mixtures, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10, 5593(2022) (Link)

3) Deju Zhang, Xinyi Chen, Peng Jiang, Yunguo Li, Xiaohong Zheng, Zhen Liu, Maosheng Miao, Hong-Mei Huang, and Yan-Ling Li, Pressure-tuned 1D-to-2D structural phase transition and superconductivity in LiP15, Phys. Rev. B 105, 094109 (2022) (Link)

2) Wei Xiao, Lili Kang, Hua Hao, Yanhong Zhou, *Xiaohong Zheng, *Lei Zhang and Zhi Zeng, Giant tunneling electroresistance induced by interfacial doping in Pt/BaTiO3/Pt ferroelectric tunnel junctions, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 044001(2022) (Link)

1) Ning Cao, Hua Hao, *Xiaohong Zheng, *Lei Zhang, and Zhi Zeng, Site and length dependent quantum interference and resonance in electron transport of armchair carbon nanotube molecular junctions, Phys. Chem.  Chem. Phys. 24, 8032(2022) (Link)

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