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  今天是:2025年02月18日  星期二  下午好
  1. Peng Jiang, Lili Kang, Xiaohong Zheng*, Zhi Zeng, and Stefano Sanvito*, Computational prediction of a two-dimensional semiconductor SnO2 with negative Poisson's ratio and tunable magnetism by doping, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 195408 (2020). (Link)

  2. Peng Jiang, Lili Kang, Hua Hao, Xiaohong Zheng*, Zhi Zeng, and Stefano Sanvito*, Ferroelectric control of electron half-metallicity in A-type antiferromagnets and its application to nonvolatile memory devices, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 245417 (2020). (Link)

  3. Shuping Guo, Zhang Liu, Shenzhen Feng, Tiantian Jia, Shashwat Anand, G. Jeffrey Snyder* and Yongsheng  Zhang*, Prediction of improved thermoelectric performance by ordering in double half-Heusler materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 23590–23598 (2020). (Link)

  4. Tiantian Jia, Jesús Carrete, Zhenzhen Feng, Shuping Guo, Yongsheng Zhang*, and Georg K. H. Madsen*, Localized Dimers Drive Strong Anharmonicity and Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity in ZnSe2, Physical Review B 102, 125204 (2020). (Link)

  5. Xixi Tao, Peng Jiang, Hua Hao, *Xiaohong Zheng, *Lei Zhang, and Zhi Zeng, Pure spin current generation via photogalvanic effect with spatial inversion symmetry, Phys. Rev. B 102, 081402 (Rapid Communication) (2020). (Link)

  6. Yong Gang Li*, QiRong Zheng, LiuMing Wei, ChuanGuo Zhang and Zhi Zeng, A review of surface damage/microstructures and their effects on hydrogen/helium retention in tungsten, Tungsten 2, 34(2020). (Link)

  7. Jing Liu, Ya-Min Quan, Hai-Qing Lin, Liang-Jian Zou*, Topologically different spin disorder phases of the J1-J2 Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice, Physica E 120, 114037 (2020). (Link)

  8. Shuping Guo, Shashwat Anand, Yongsheng Zhang,* and G. Jeffrey Snyder*, Vibrational Entropy Stabilizes Distorted Half-Heusler Structures, Chemistry of Materials 32, 4767(2020). (Link)

  9. Guoren Zhang and Eva Pavarini, Higgs mode and stability of xy-orbital ordering in Ca2RuO4, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 205128 (2020). (Link)

  10. Caoping Niu, Ya Cheng, Kaishuai Yang, Jie Zhang, Hanxing Zhang, Zhi Zeng, and Xianlong Wang*, Boron-dopant enhanced stability of diamane with tunable band gap, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 135503 (2020). (link)

  11. Lili Kang, Peng Jiang, Hua Hao, Yanhong Zhou, *Xiaohong Zheng, *Lei Zhang, and Zhi Zeng, Giant tunneling electroresistance in two-dimensional ferroelectric tunnel junctions with out-of-plane ferroelectric polarization, Phys. Rev. B 101, 014105 (2020). (Link).

  12. Jin-Hua Wang, Ya-Min Quan, Da-Yong Liu, Liang-Jian Zou, Ferromagnetism in Layered Metallic Fe1/4TaS2 in the Presence of Conventional and Dirac Carriers, Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 017101(2020). (Link)

  13. Xuemei Zhang and Yongsheng Zhang*, Effects of local geometry distortion at the Al/Al2Cu interfaces on solute segregation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 4106-4114(2020). (Link)

  14. Zhenzhen Feng, Yuhao Fu, Yongsheng Zhang*, and David J. Singh*, Characterization of rattling in relation to thermal conductivity: Ordered half-Heusler semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 101, 064301(2020). (Link)

  15. Tiantian Jia, Zhenzhen Feng, Shuping Guo, Xuemei Zhang, and Yongsheng Zhang*, Screening Promising Thermoelectric Materials in Binary Chalcogenides Through High-Throughput Computations, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12(10), 11852-11864(2020). (Link

  16. Hua Hao, Ting Jia, Xiaohong Zheng, Peng Liu, and *Zhi Zeng, Bias induced spin state transition mediated by electron excitations, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 134301 (2020). (Link)

  17. Chao Wang(王超), Wen Xu(徐文)*, Hong-Ying Mei(梅红樱), Hua Qin(秦华), Xin-Nian Zhao(赵昕念), Hua Wen(温华), Chao Zhang(张超), Lan Ding(丁岚), Yong Xu(徐勇), Peng Li(李鹏), Dai Wu(吴岱), and Ming Li(黎明)Picosecond terahertz pump–probe realized from Chinese terahertz free-electron laser, Chinese Physics B 29, 084101 (2020) (封面及亮点文). (Link)

  18. Muhammad Bilal, Wen Xu*, Chao Wang, Hua Wen, Xinnian Zhao, Dan Song, and Lan Ding, Optoelectronic Properties of Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Different Substrates Measured by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy, Nanomaterials 10, 762 (2020). (Link)

  19. X. N. Zhao, W. Xu*, Y. M. Xiao, and B. Van Duppen, Spin polarization in monolayer MoS2 in the presence of proximity-induced interactions, International Journal of Modern Physics C 31, 2050143 (2020).

  20. X. N. Zhao, W. Xu*, Y. M. Xiao, J. Liu, B. Van Duppen, and F. M. Peeters, Terahertz optical Hall effect in monolayer MoS2 in the presence of proximity-induced interactions, Physical Review B 101, 245412 (2020).

  21. 全亚民,邹良剑,林海青,基于Lanczos算法的团簇模型软件,中华人民共和国国家版权局,登记号:2020SR0715878.

  22. Peng Cheng, et al. Polymorphism of polymeric nitrogen at high pressures. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (24), 244502. (2020) (Link)

  23. Peng Cheng, Tingting Ye, Hong Zeng, Junfeng Ding*. Raman spectra investigation on the pressure-induced phase transition in titanium nitride (TiN). AIP Advances, 10 (4), 045110. (2020) (Link)

  24. Junfeng Ding, et al. Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Spinel/Perovskite Interface: Suppression of Polar Catastrophe by an Ultrathin Layer of Interfacial Defects. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (38), 42982-91. (2020) (Link)

  25. Shuqing Jiang, et al. A Spectroscopic Study of the Insulator–Metal Transition in Liquid Hydrogen and Deuterium. Advanced Science, 7 (2), 1901668. (2020) (Link)

  26. Xiao-Di Liu*, et al. Counterintuitive effects of isotopic doping on the phase diagram of H2–HD–D2 molecular alloy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (24), 13374-8. (2020) (Link)

  27. Di Peng, Ren-Shu Wang, Xiao-Jia Chen*. Superconductivity in Sodium Potassium Alloy Doped 2,2'-Bipyridine from Near-Room-Temperature Synthesis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (1), 906-12. (2020) (Link)

  28. Yu Wang,  et al. Novel Hydrogen Clathrate Hydrate. Physical Review Letters, 125 (25), 255702. (2020) (Link)

  29. Hao Yu, et al. A combined experiment and first-principles study on lattice dynamics of thermoelectric CuInTe2. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 822 153610. (2020) (Link)

  30. Huichao Zhang, et al. Pressure-induced amorphization and existence of molecular and polymeric amorphous forms in dense SO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (16), 8736-42. (2020) (Link)

  31. Kai Zhang, Huachao Jiang, Jin Yang, Jie Zhang, Zhi Zeng, Xiaojia Chen, Fuhai Su*. Pressure effects on the lattice vibrations and ultrafast photocarrier dynamics in 2H–TaS2. Applied Physics Letters, 117 (10), 101105. (2020) (Link)

  32. Jingming Shi, Wenwen Cui,, Jian Hao, Meiling Xu, Xianlong Wang*& Yinwei Li *, Formation of ammonia–helium compounds at high pressure, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11, 3164(2020). (Link)

  33. Pengbo Zhang*, Yonggang Li* and Jijun Zhao, Materials selection for nuclear applications in view of divacancy energies by comprehensive first-principles calculations, Journal of Nuclear Materials 538, 152253 (2020). (Link

  34.  Guo Wei, Jingwen Li, Yonggang Li, Huiqiu Deng, Changzhong Jiang and Feng Ren*, A better nanochannel tungsten film in releasing helium atoms, Journal of Nuclear Materials 532, 152044 (2020). (Link)

  35. Xiang-Long Yu, Liang Jiang, Ya-Min Quan, Tong Wu, Yuanzhen Chen, Liang-Jian Zou, and Jiansheng Wu*, Topological phase transitions, Majorana modes, and quantum simulation of the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model with nearest-neighbor interactions, Phys. Rev. B 101, 045422 (2020) (Link).

  36. Lingling Song, Shaopeng Jin, Ya Liu, Liwei Yuan, Zhihong Yang, Peng Jiang and *Xiaohong Zheng, Thermal gradient driven spin current in BN co-doped ferromagnetic zigzag graphene nanoribbons, Physica E 115, 113684 (2020) (Link).

  37. Xiaotong Li, Jizi Liu, Shuang Li, Jian Zhang, Di Li, Rui Xu, Qingtang Zhang, Xuemei Zhang, Biao Xu, Yongsheng Zhang,* Feng Xu, Guodong Tang*, Synergistic Band Convergence and Endotaxial Nanostructuring: Achieving Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity and High Figure of Merit in Eco-friendly SnTe, Nano Energy 67, 104261. (Link)

  38. C.L. Ren, Y. Yang, Y.G. Li, P. Huai, Z.Y. Zhu and J. Li, Sample spinning to mitigate polarization artifact and interstitial-vacancy imbalance in ion-beam irradiation, npj Comput. Mater. 6, 189 (2020). (Link)

  39. B. Da, L.H. Yang, J.W. Liu, Y.G. Li, S.F. Mao and Z.J. Ding, Monte Carlo simulation study of reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy of an Fe/Si overlayer sample, Surf. Interface Anal. 52, 742–754 (2020). (Link)

  40. Yanhong Zhou, Shaohui Yu, and *Xiaohong Zheng, Edge passivation control of graphene nanoribbons for robust pure spin current generation with photogalvanic effect, Carbon 170, 361-367 (2020).

  41. Liwen Zhang, Yaqing Yang, Jun Chen, *Xiaohong Zheng, *Lei Zhang, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia, Giant magnetoresistance and dual spin filtering effect in ferromagnetic 6,6,12/gamma-graphyne zigzag nanoribbon lateral heterojunction, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 18548-18555 (2020).

  42. *Lingling Song, Liwei Yuan, Zhihong Yang, Xing Chen, Han Zhao, Shaopeng Jin, and *Xiaohong Zheng, Generating pure spin current in zigzag graphene nanoribbons by a thermal gradient: the effect of edge doping with BN pairs, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 485304 (2020).

  43. *Lingling Song, Hongyuan Cao, Xiyuan Chai, Xiru Chen, Zheng Ye, Yuanzhi Zhou, Xiangzhen Huang, Haoyu Zhu, and *Xiaohong Zheng, Highly spin polarized transport in gamma-zigzag graphyne nanoribbon junctions, PHYSICA E 120, 114057 (2020).

  44. Hong Wu, Kunling Peng, Bin Zhang, Xiangnan Gong, Zhenzhen Feng, Xuemei Zhang, Ming Xi, Xiangmei Yan, Yongsheng Zhang, Guoyu Wang, Xu Lu, Xiaoyuan Zhou, Realizing High Thermoelectricity in Polycrystalline SnS via Manipulating Fermi Surface Anisotropy and Phonon Dispersion, Materials Today Physics,14. 100221 2020)(Link

  45. Pengfei Nan, Yunjie Chang, Zhiwei Chen, Yanzhong Pei, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yumei Wang*  and  Binghui Ge*, Revealing the origin of dislocations in Pb1-xSb2x/3Se (0<x≤0.07), Nanoscale 12, 19165-19169 (2020)(Link)

  46. Jing-Rong Wang, Wei Li*, and Chang-Jin Zhang, Possible instabilities in quadratic and cubic nodal-line fermion systems with correlated interactions, Phys. Rev. B 102, 085132 (2020).

  47. Jing-Rong Wang, Wei Li, Gang Wang and Chang-Jin Zhang, Global phase diagram of Coulomb-interacting anisotropic Weyl semimetal with disorder, JPCM 1361-648X/abd426(2020).

  48. Pengdong Wang, Yihao Wang , Bo Zhang, Yuliang Li, Sheng Wang, Yunbo Wu, Hongen Zhu, Yi Liu, Guobin Zhang, Dayong Liu*, Yimin Xiong*, Zhe Sun*, Experimental Observation of Electronic Structures of Kagome Metal YCr6Ge6, Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 087102 (2020).

  49. Caixing Liu, Yang Yang, Zongwei Ma, Chun Zhou, Dayong Liu*, Xuan Luo, Xuebin Zhu, Yuping Sun, and Zhigao Sheng*, Edge-Induced Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Carbon Nanosheets, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 7396 (2020).

  50. Bo Zhang, Zahir Muhammad, Pengdong Wang, Shengtao Cui, Yuliang Li, Sheng Wang, Yunbo Wu, Zhanfeng Liu, Hongen Zhu, Yi Liu, Guobin Zhang, Dayong Liu, Li Song,* and Zhe Sun*, Electronic Structures of Cr-Intercalated ZrTe2 Revealed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 16561 (2020).

  51. Hua Wen, Wen Xu*, Chao Wang, Dan Song, Hongying Mei, Jie Zhang, and Lan Ding, Magneto-optical properties of monolayer MoS2-SiO2/Si structure measured via terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, Nano Select 1-92020DOI: 10.1002/nano.202000138 (2020). Wiley Materials Views China专题报道。

  52. H. M. Dong, Z. H. Tao, L. L. Li*, F. Huang, W. Xu*, and F. M. Peeters, Substrate dependent terahertz response of monolayer WS2, Applied Physics Letters 116, 203108 (2020).

  53. Q. N. Li, W. Xu*, Y. M. Xiao, L. Ding, B. Van Duppen, and F. M. Peeters, Optical absorption window in Na3Bi based three-dimensional Dirac electronic system, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 155707 (2020).

  54. Ju Tang, Jin Zhang, Peiguang Shi, Yiming Xiao, Yanli Shi, Lan Ding, and Wen Xu*, Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Quantum Dots from Tobacco Wastewater for the Detection of Ferric(III) Ions, Science of Advanced Materials 12, 966 (2020).

  55. C.H. Yang*, R. Wieser, J.Y. Zhang, and W. Xu, The transverse magnetic surface plasmon in anisotropic black phosphorene, Optics Communications 474, 126151 (2020).

  56. Jie Zhang, Lan Ding*, Shun Zhou, Yi Ming Xiao, and Wen Xu, Observation and Optical Control of Saturable Excitonic Behaviors in Monolayer MoS2, Physica Status Solidi PRL 2000222 (2020) (封面文章).

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